
Outcomes assessment at this level is conducted annually in order to measure student achievement of degree, certificate and program outcomes. Departments analyze the cumulative effect of the course work that constitutes a degree, certificate or program as part of their Program Review. Information from the assessment is used by departments to make improvements that strengthen our degrees, certificate and programs and help increase student success.

Outcomes at this level lead to Institutional Learning Outcomes.


Three different assessment models are in use: grades for specific course assignments that had been mapped to given outcomes; external evaluators assessing student performance using a rubric that aligned with outcomes; and using course grades from a wide range of courses that had been mapped to specific program outcomes.


2018-19 Templates

Plans and Results DOC
Analysis DOC revised Oct. 4, 2016

Outcome Grade Reports


Completed Degree, Certificate and Program Outcomes Assessment


Kristen Booth

Title III Academic Assessment Coordinator

Kristen Kane

Academic Assessment Coordinator