Columbia Gorge Community College (CGCC) offers programs designed to get you where you want to be. Whether that means transferring to a four-year school, learning a trade to get a job, or earning a short-term credential to boost your skills, CGCC has you covered!

CGCC is open admissions, meaning everyone is accepted, but some restrictions apply. Check out our admissions policies here.

General Application for Credit Students

All Students (except Community Education) - Follow These Steps

  1. For degree-seeking programs, click here.
    For programs such as College Now, Running Start, Expanded Options, ESOL, Pre-College or GED, select the Non Degree-Seeking Application lower on this page.  
  2. Fill out and submit the application.
  3. Student Services will email you login credentials at the email address you used to apply.
  4. If you do not receive an email with your credentials within 24 hours, contact for help.

Other applications

Non Degree-Seeking Students

Click here to apply for Adult Basic Education, College Now, GED, Early College, ESOL, Expanded Options, Pre-College, or Running Start.

Community Education Students

Students taking or seeking to take community education, VESi, Small Business Development Center, Ed2Go, or other non-credit classes, see options on the community education page.

Apply Now