Research Databases
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**This search includes all of the following databases:

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Additional Collections
Access World News: features diverse perspectives, topics and trends in Business, Health, Criminal Justice, Science, Humanities, Political Science and more. This database includes reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national and local news sources.
Fuente Académica: texto completo de más de 450 publicaciones académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España.
Gale PowerSearch: includes full-text articles from journals, periodicals, and reference sources on a wide range of topics.
Gale Virtual Reference Library: includes full-text database of encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference sources, biographies and chronologies.
Google Scholar: includes full-text scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.
Informe Académico: texto completo abarca negocios, salud, tecnología, cultura, temas de actualidad y otras materias.
Oregonian Collection: allows you to explore Oregon history through local news, events, and people! This collection includes the ability to search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online.
Popular Magazines: includes full text articles from popular magazines.
African Journals Online (AJOL): the world's largest and preeminent platform of African-published scholarly journals. AJOL is a Non-Profit Organization that works to increase global & continental online access, awareness, quality & use of African-published, peer-reviewed research. *You must register for a free account to use this resource.
AfricArXiv: a community-led digital archive for African research, this database is working to build an African-owned open scholarly repository of scholarly works to catalyze the African Renaissance.
Asian Life in America: features the experience and impact of Asian Americans as recorded by the news media.
Asian Online Journals (AOJ) : publishes scholarly and peer reviewed journals that encourage scientists, researchers, academics, engineers, and practitioners in all aspects to share their professional and academic knowledge in fields including computing, engineering, science humanities, social sciences, management, economics, medical science, and related disciplines.
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States : challenges and triumphs in the pursuit of equality: provides access to a collection focused on Black Freedom, featuring select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history.
Black Life in America: features the experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media.
The Black Women Radicals Database: seeks to overcome the erasure of Black women’s political leadership, organizing, theorizing, and socio-political movement building in Africa and in the African Diaspora.
ELDIS: The Electronic Development and Environment Information System is a database of information sources on international development. It aims to share the best knowledge on development, policy, practice and research.
Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA): a powerful resource platform for discovery of scholarly publications in Indonesia managed by Ministry of Education and Culture.
Global ETD Search: Global ETD Search is a free database with over 6 million dissertations and thesis from universities around the world. The database is easy to use and searches are highly customizable. Researchers can search by topic, language, and geographical source. This database is would be extremely valuable for any class where students need to search for up to date information on any topic, and would like to explore what other students are researching around the world.
Hinari Access to Research for Health Programme: provides some free access to the major journals in biomedical and related social sciences to local, not-for-profit institutions in developing countries.
Hispanic Life in America: features the experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media.
Independent Voices: an open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century.
Institutional Repository for Information Sharing (IRIS): The digital library of World Health Organization's published material in full-text since 1948. Its content is freely accessible in six languages.
International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS): Since 1974, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has provided support to its member countries to make their research outputs visible and accessible through the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS); one of the most comprehensive search engines in food and agricultural scientific literature providing free access to millions of bibliographic records in 90 different languages.
J-STAGE: Based in Japan, this database circulates research in science, technology, humanities and social sciences. The database provides free access to more than 3,200 journals, conference proceedings, and other academic publications. Users can register for a free account to save their searches and get alerts when new information is added in their areas of interest. Content will help provide a global perspective to students who are enrolled in science, mathematics, engineering, information and social sciences, humanities, philosophy, geography, psychology and education courses.
SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online: a bibliographic database, digital library, and cooperative electronic publishing model of open access journals. SciELO was created to meet the scientific communication needs of developing countries and provides an efficient way to increase visibility and access to scientific literature.
The World Factbook: provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.
eBook Central: includes full-text online books that cover a broad array of subjects. Content is downloadable to portable devices.
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost): includes full-text eBook collection with a broad range of topics such as literature, academic, popular non-fiction, children's fiction, cooking, and self-help.
Libby: includes access to thousands of eBooks and audio books. *Public library card required.
Chronicle of Higher Education: includes full-text articles from higher-ed news, including statistics, job listings, advice columns and forums.
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC): free government resource that includes citations for education articles and reports.
Educator's Reference Complete: includes full-text articles on educational principles, child development, and best practices.
GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources): includes full-text articles, reports, and statistics in sustainability, the environment, energy, and natural resources.
Open Planet: a free library of 4,500 Videos that document nature and climate issues around the world.
Films on Demand: includes thousands of high-resolution streaming videos organized by subject. Database materials are suitable for academic research as well as for general interest.
Fine Arts and Music Collection: includes full-text articles on drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.
Google Arts and Culture: includes high-resolution images and videos of artworks and cultural artifacts from partner cultural organizations throughout the world.
Kanopy: includes thousands of movies and video content. *Public library card is required to register for an account. Wasco County residents can request a library card using this online application form. Or, check to see if your county library has Kanopy access here.
Asian Life in America: features the experience and impact of Asian Americans as recorded by the news media.
Black Life in America: features the experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media.
Hispanic Life in America: features the experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media.
U.S. History in Context: includes full-text primary source documents, journals, audio and video on U.S. history topics.
LegalTrac: includes full-text articles from law reviews, legal newspapers and bar association journals.
Infotrac Newsstand: includes full-text articles from national and international newspapers, including The New York Times.
Psychology Collection: includes full-text articles from psychology periodicals.
Social Work Reference Center: provides updated, evidence-based information for social workers and mental health professionals at the point-of-care.
Nursing and Allied Health Collection: includes full-text coverage of the nursing profession, direct patient care, and health care administration.
PubMed: includes scholarly articles and citations in life sciences.
LearningExpress Library: includes practice tests and tutorials for standardized tests, skill-building and occupation exams. *A library card is not needed for off-campus access, but you need to create a free login to access these resources.
Databases A-Z
Access World News: features diverse perspectives, topics and trends in Business, Health, Criminal Justice, Science, Humanities, Political Science and more. This database includes reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national and local news sources.
African Journals Online (AJOL): The world's largest and preeminent platform of African-published scholarly journals. AJOL is a Non-Profit Organization that works to increase global & continental online access, awareness, quality & use of African-published, peer-reviewed research. *You must register for a free account to use this resource.
AfricArXiv: a community-led digital archive for African research, this database is working to build an African-owned open scholarly repository of scholarly works to catalyze the African Renaissance.
Asian Online Journals (AOJ): publishes scholarly and peer reviewed journals that encourage scientists, researchers, academics, engineers, and practitioners in all aspects to share their professional and academic knowledge in fields including computing, engineering, science humanities, social sciences, management, economics, medical science, and related disciplines.
Asian Life in America: features the experience and impact of Asian Americans as recorded by the news media.
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States : challenges and triumphs in the pursuit of equality: provides access to a collection focused on Black Freedom, featuring select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history.
Black Life in America: features the experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media.
The Black Women Radicals Database: seeks to overcome the erasure of Black women’s political leadership, organizing, theorizing, and socio-political movement building in Africa and in the African Diaspora.
Chronicle of Higher Education: includes full-text articles from higher-ed news, including statistics, job listings, advice columns and forums.
eBook Central: includes full-text online books that cover a broad array of subjects. Content is downloadable to portable devices.
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC): free government resource that includes citations for education articles and reports.
Educator's Reference Complete: includes full-text articles on educational principles, child development, and best practices.
ELDIS: the Electronic Development and Environment Information System is a database of information sources on international development. It aims to share the best knowledge on development, policy, practice and research.
Films on Demand: includes thousands of high-resolution streaming videos organized by subject. Database materials are suitable for academic research as well as for general interest.
Fine Arts and Music Collection: includes full-text articles on drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.
Fuente Académica: texto completo de más de 450 publicaciones académicas de América Latina, Portugal y España.
Gale PowerSearch: includes full-text articles from journals, periodicals, and reference sources on a wide range of topics.
Gale Virtual Reference Library: includes full-text database of encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference sources, biographies and chronologies.
Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA): a powerful resource platform for discovery of scholarly publications in Indonesia managed by Ministry of Education and Culture.
Global ETD Search: Global ETD Search is a free database with over 6 million dissertations and thesis from universities around the world. The database is easy to use and searches are highly customizable. Researchers can search by topic, language, and geographical source. This database is would be extremely valuable for any class where students need to search for up to date information on any topic, and would like to explore what other students are researching around the world.
Google Arts and Culture: includes high-resolution images and videos of artworks and cultural artifacts from partner cultural organizations throughout the world.
GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources): includes full-text articles, reports, and statistics in sustainability, the environment, energy, and natural resources.
Hinari Access to Research for Health Programme: provides some free access to the major journals in biomedical and related social sciences to local, not-for-profit institutions in developing countries.
Hispanic Life in America: features the experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media.
Independent Voices: an open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century.
Infotrac Newsstand: includes full-text articles from national and international newspapers, including The New York Times.
Informe Académico: texto completo abarca negocios, salud, tecnología, cultura, temas de actualidad y otras materias.
Institutional Repository for Information Sharing (IRIS): The digital library of World Health Organization's published material in full-text since 1948. Its content is freely accessible in six languages.
International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS): Since 1974, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has provided support to its member countries to make their research outputs visible and accessible through the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS); one of the most comprehensive search engines in food and agricultural scientific literature providing free access to millions of bibliographic records in 90 different languages.
J-STAGE: Based in Japan, this database circulates research in science, technology, humanities and social sciences. The database provides free access to more than 3,200 journals, conference proceedings, and other academic publications. Users can register for a free account to save their searches and get alerts when new information is added in their areas of interest. Content will help provide a global perspective to students who are enrolled in science, mathematics, engineering, information and social sciences, humanities, philosophy, geography, psychology and education courses.
Kanopy: Includes thousands of movies and video content. *Public library card is required to register for an account. Wasco County residents can request a library card using this online application form. Or, check to see if your county library has Kanopy access here.
LearningExpress Library: includes practice tests and tutorials for standardized tests, skill-building and occupation exams. *A library card is not needed for off-campus access, but you need to create a free login to access these resources.
LegalTrac: includes full-text articles from law reviews, legal newspapers and bar association journals.
Libby: includes access to thousands of eBooks and audio books. *Public library card required.
Nursing and Allied Health Collection: includes full-text coverage of the nursing profession, direct patient care, and health care administration.
Open Planet: a free library of 4,500 Videos that document nature and climate issues around the world.
Oregonian Collection: allows you to explore Oregon history through local news, events, and people! This collection includes the ability to search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online.
Popular Magazines: includes full text articles from popular magazines.
Psychology Collection: includes full-text articles from psychology periodicals.
PubMed: includes scholarly articles and citations in life sciences.
SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online: a bibliographic database, digital library, and cooperative electronic publishing model of open access journals. SciELO was created to meet the scientific communication needs of developing countries and provides an efficient way to increase visibility and access to scientific literature.
Social Work Reference Center: provides updated, evidence-based information for social workers and mental health professionals at the point-of-care.
The World Factbook: provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.
U.S. History in Context: includes full-text primary source documents, journals, audio and video on U.S. history topics.
Is our library system down?
Emergency Access for Oregon students: Allows Oregon-based students to search Gale Databases. (Allow the site to confirm your location to ensure access.)
Emergency Access for Washington students: Allows those with a Vancouver Public Library Card to search EBSCO databases. Users must click on the Research and learn link and enter their library card number and password to connect.
Both Google Scholar and Google Arts and Culture are free resources that operate independently from our servers. No login or library card is required.