Welcome, traveller! Enter the world of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D).  

If you've never heard of D&D, here is a fun video from The Dungeoncast explaining it. If you want to watch people play D&D, here's a link to Critical Role (click on "videos").

Current Campaign

A new game is starting in summer term 2024! Join us for the "Session Zero" to get started, Thursday, July 18th from 3-5 pm, and for regular sessions on Tuesdays from 10 am - 1 pm in the Library's gaming room. Follow the dragon footprints! Be sure to read the club rules below.

Club Rules

  1. Be kind. Don't be rude or aggressive toward other players; crude and offensive language will not be tolerated.
  2. Return anything you borrow. Example: borrowed dice should be returned to the container after the session is over.
  3. You are in charge of your character sheet. Please back it up on D&D Beyond (free version available).
  4. Player handbooks are available in the library, but please be aware other players may need them. No hogging!
  5. No spoilers! If you are already familiar with a campaign or other material the club is using, do NOT spoil it for those who have not played through yet. 
  6. No metagaming! 
  7. No gatekeeping. No gaslighting. No rules attorneys. All are welcome, and viewpoints or questions about rules-as-written (RAW) vs. rules-as-intended (RAI) are allowed, but the DM's word is law.
  8. Have fun!


Here are some free resources for gamers and dungeon masters.

Note: CGCC does not endorse or recommend any off-site link. These resources are provided in good faith for the use of our students and gaming club members.The college assumes no liability for use of these resources.