Gaming Club

Welcome, traveller! Enter the world of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D).
If you've never heard of D&D, here is a fun video from The Dungeoncast explaining it. If you want to watch people play D&D, here's a link to Critical Role (click on "videos").
Current Campaign
A new game is starting in summer term 2024! Join us for the "Session Zero" to get started, Thursday, July 18th from 3-5 pm, and for regular sessions on Tuesdays from 10 am - 1 pm in the Library's gaming room. Follow the dragon footprints! Be sure to read the club rules below.
Club Rules
- Be kind. Don't be rude or aggressive toward other players; crude and offensive language will not be tolerated.
- Return anything you borrow. Example: borrowed dice should be returned to the container after the session is over.
- You are in charge of your character sheet. Please back it up on D&D Beyond (free version available).
- Player handbooks are available in the library, but please be aware other players may need them. No hogging!
- No spoilers! If you are already familiar with a campaign or other material the club is using, do NOT spoil it for those who have not played through yet.
- No metagaming!
- No gatekeeping. No gaslighting. No rules attorneys. All are welcome, and viewpoints or questions about rules-as-written (RAW) vs. rules-as-intended (RAI) are allowed, but the DM's word is law.
- Have fun!
Here are some free resources for gamers and dungeon masters.
- Free Rulebook from Wizards of the Coast (WOTC, pronounced "Watt-See") maker of Dungeons and Dragons
- D&D Beyond App
- Free Downloadable Resources from WOTC
- Dungeon Master School (links and videos to help you learn to be a Dungeon Master, or DM and run your own game)
Note: CGCC does not endorse or recommend any off-site link. These resources are provided in good faith for the use of our students and gaming club members.The college assumes no liability for use of these resources.